31 Kata-Kata Aesthetic dan Inspiratif dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Kebutuhan Media Sosial

Kata-kata bahasa Inggris cenderung memiliki makna yang lebih universal, sehingga terkesan estetis. Tidak heran jika banyak orang memilih kata-kata bahasa Inggris untuk posting media sosial, keterangan, pembaruan status, dan bio Instagram mereka.

Kata estetika dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berupa kalimat pendek, motivasi hidup, semangat untuk sukses, isi hati saat galau atau cerai.

Selain itu, kata-kata estetika bahasa Inggris juga bisa berasal dari kutipan aktor dan aktris terkenal.

Kata-Kata Aesthetic Bahasa Inggris

Tidak perlu merasa khawatir untuk mengunakan kata kata yang menarik untuk dibaca dan didengar. Mari simak kata kata dibawah ini :

  1. Time is precious. Be smart and use it waste wisely
  2. Live for today, not tomorrow.
  3. Born to express, not to impress.
  4. Don’t believe in words, believe in actions.
  5. Become a warrior in a world filled with sorrow. Create your own sun
  6. Satisfy your soul, not society.
  7. Happiness never goes out of fashion.
  8. I live my life my way.
  9. Simplicity is the key to happiness. Part-time hard worker, full-time wanderlust.
  10. Let’s look up at the stars in the world of darkness.
  11. In the end, you will only regret missing your chance.
  12. You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
  13. Each new day is another chance to changes a life.
  14. Try it or you never know !
  15. Do your best at every opportunity.
  16. The future depends on what you do today, tomorrow and yesterday.
  17. Time is what we want most, but it’s our worst use
  18. Loving yourself is common sense, not vanity
  19. Do something today that your future self will appreciate
  20. Silently working hard is your noise. Energy flows where you focus.
  21. Life is a journey to be eternal experience, not a problem to be solved.
  22. Remember, beautiful sunsets require cloudy skies.
  23. Within a new day comes new strength and new thoughts for everything.
  24. life is a mountain Your goal is to find a way, not reach the top.
  25. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
  26. Don’t take life too seriously. you can’t get out of there alive
  27. Doubt kills more dreams than failure.
  28. Love is look like a war. It’s easy to start, but very hard to stop. Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it always.
  29. Investing in knowledge yields gona find the best returns.
  30. Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you’ve lost.
  31. Not every day is good, but every day there is something good.

Itulah beberapa kumpulan kumpulan kata kata aestitik dan inspiratif dari sumber artikel di indozone yang telah dirangkum untuk keperluan caption media sosial anda.


Kata-Kata Aesthetic dan Inspiratif dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Kebutuhan Media Sosial

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